Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Of Mice And Men And The Pearl By John Steinbeck Essay

Both Of Mice and Men and The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck demonstrates that there are two types of people in this world. There are those who feel empowered by dominating over the people weaker than them. Then there are the weaker willed men and women who are constantly belittled by the empowered ones. The novel’s central focus is around two migrant workers, Lennie Small and George Milton. The relationship between George is Lennie is the first demonstration of how a powerful character takes advantage of the weaker one. George speak and treats Lennie very condescending disregarding the fact that he obviously suffers from a mental issue. Through the interaction between the central characters as well as those on the ranch readers can see how the characters are affected by loneliness and isolation. Through those negative experiences the characters feel at their weakest and seek to destroy others to feel in control. It is a story where readers are made aware of a harsh reality, where human beings are subjugated by cruel predatory nature of man. Similarly, Steinbeck reveals how greed can hinder a man in the novel The Pearl. From virtues to vices; readers are shown Kino’s development as the novel progresses with the pearl. Everyone who sought the pearl imagined themselves successful and wealthy. The pearl is many desires; wishes and mistakes the community members as well as Kino’s family are thrust into. Despite Kino having the pearl which opens countless doors of freedom fromShow MoreRelatedLiterary Comparison of of Mice and Men, the Pearl, and Cannery Row2335 Words   |  10 PagesEnglish II 2 May 2013 I Pledge John Steinbeck’s Literary Style John Steinbeck is an author who wrote in the early 1900s that makes use of setting, characterization, theme, irony, foreshadowing, and symbolism in his many novels. Steinbeck has modeled most of his work off of his own life. His home state, California, has been found to be the setting for some of his novels. Cannery Row, Of Mice and Men, and The Pearl are all novels by John Steinbeck. These novels not only encompass rich sensoryRead MoreThe Greatness of John Steinbeck1761 Words   |  7 PagesGreatness of Steinbeck Why is faith and friendship a vital part of life? In his writing, John Steinbeck beautifully captured life in the United States during the 20th century. In 1929, the stock market crashed, sparking the Great Depression. The Great Depression was a worldwide economic depression that occurred in the 20th century. It had devastating effects on everyone, from the rich to the poor. After the Great Depression, Steinbeck published Of Mice and Men, a book about two men, George and theRead MoreLooking Back By John Steinbeck2124 Words   |  9 PagesFor most writers, including John Steinbeck, writing is a talent, a passion, and a lifestyle. More often than not, the experiences and memories that one undergoes as he or she grows up become the basis and storyline of their fiction writing. Looking back, John Steinbeck left behind a legacy through his writings such as Of Mice and Men, The Red Pony, and The Pearl, each with a special touch of his personal life and embedded moral lessons. John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902, in SalinasRead MoreAnalysis Of John Steinbeck s The Great Gatsby 1101 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish 2 Ever wondered who was the best author in America? John Steinbeck was an amazing author and his life story was also interesting. Steinbeck had an interesting childhood, family, and adult life, along with award winning novels. John was born to be a writer and it didn’t just brighten political views but really influenced his time. Some characters in his novels and inspirations mainly came from Salinas valley. John Steinbeck was born February the twenty seventh 1902,in Salinas, CA, USARead MoreJohn Steinbeck Outline824 Words   |  4 Pages John Steinbeck Outline I. John Steinbeck used his personal experiences as a laborer to write many of his novels like Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath. II. John Steinbeck’s Life A) Family 1. His dad served as the county treasurer. 2. His mom was a school teacher. 3. He was one four children and was the only boy. B) Childhood and Adolescence 1.Born on February 27, 1902 2.Began telling stories as a child 3. Sent short stories to magazines under a false name 4. He was interested in biologyRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck1747 Words   |  7 Pages Of Mice and Men is a tragedy And The Pearl is a parable. Author s Name John Steinbeck -Title of Work #1: Of Mice and Men -Genre: Tragedy -Evidence of Genre (explain what makes the work an example of the genre): Tragedy is a branch of literature that uses a serious and dignified style the sad or unfortunate events encountered or caused by a heroic individual. In Of Mice and Men George and Lennie face a lot of tragic events. -Complete Summary of Work: Of Mice and Men is theRead Morecomparison2085 Words   |  9 Pages English III AP 30 October 2013 Of Mice and Men and The Scarlet Letter Of Mice and Men’s George and The Scarlet Letter’s Hester Prynne the main characters in these two novels. Both are misunderstood by the people around them. Of Mice and Men was written in 1937 by John Steinbeck to show the most vulnerable people in society at that time. The Scarlet Letter was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850 to illustrate the way of life for the Puritan society and the way some were punished or misunderstoodRead MoreTheme Of Creation And Expulsion Of Cain From The Garden Of Eden Essay2550 Words   |  11 Pages When looking over Of Mice and Men, we come to realize that this work portrays various questions when it comes to man and his life. The main question that this work asks when the story is told is â€Å"is man destined to live alone, a solitary wanderer on the face of the earth, or is it the fate of man to care for man, to go in his way in companionship with another?† Should we ride solo or join others along the way? That is one of the themes of this work. This theme is like the theme that occurs in theRead MoreEssay about The Life Journey of John Steinbeck 1264 Words   |  6 PagesThe Life Journey of John Steinbeck Every great writer had their own influences, John Steinbeck was no exception. Steinbeck’s influences cam from family, friends, and his environment to write detailed descriptions to involve or influence the reader. Whenever someone reads one of John Steinbeck’s works they are in immersed in the scene he is describing, he makes you feel as if you are right there experiencing everything there first hand. Steinbeck had a relatively normal childhood growing upRead MoreThemes And Styles Of John Steinbeck s The 4033 Words   |  17 PagesJohn Buttiglione Mr. Bruno English IV Period 08 November 17, 2014 Themes and Styles of John Steinbeck John Ernst Steinbeck, Jr. was born on February 26, 1902 in Salinas, California. He spent the majority of his childhood there and readers learn about his home city and childhood in his works. Steinbeck wrote novels, non-fiction books, short stories, poetry, and plays. Some of his most impactful and recognized works include: Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, The Pearl, The Moon is Down, East

Monday, December 23, 2019

Changes (John Updikes AP) Essay - 914 Words

English 1302.2E1 Changes Breaking away from the traditional is a struggle that contains several sacrifices and consequences. In John Updike’s â€Å"AP,† Sammy is a young teenager who transforms his wishes into reality. At first glance, he seems like a normal teenage boy, but instead he is an observational character who is trying to find a way to stand up for himself. Throughout the story, he undergoes changes to reveal a different outlook for his future. Sammy demonstrates that he is a dynamic character through his views on the regular customers, his reaction to the girls, and in his decision to quit his job. First, the way Sammy sees the regular†¦show more content†¦Next, Sammy’s reaction towards the girls reveals that he is a dynamic character. At the check-out, he notices that three girls walk in the store â€Å"in nothing but bathing suits† (18). As the girls head for the ais le, Sammy observes that they are not wearing shoes (19). He begins to check them out and discovers that Queenie has on a bathing suit with the straps down by her arms exposing her â€Å"clean bare†¦chest† (19). As they continue walking, he details how the girls look, from their â€Å"chubby berry-faces† to how their hair was not â€Å"fizzed right† (19). Sammy makes these vivid observations about the girls to show the reader how they stand out from the normal. The girls represent Sammy’s thoughts and views on how he wishes to escape from the ordinary. By the end of the story, Lengel comes up to the girls and confronts them about the way they are dressed. Queenie starts to blush and feel powerless when she realizes where her place is (22). At that point, Sammy stands up for the girls and quits. The reader can tell that Sammy is going out of his way to defend the girls and for what he believes in. Throughout the story, he wishes to escape and standing up to Lengel was a way. Sammy’s descriptions and bravery reveal that he is changing into someone different than the normal. Most importantly, Sammy demonstrates that he is a dynamic character when he decides to quit his job. By the end of the story, Sammy realizes that he is tired of being surrounded by what is normal.Show MoreRelatedJohn Updike A P Essay701 Words   |  3 PagesThe story is AP to make a article Updike that is attention about Sammy was these Queenie. It’s impression make a uncomfortable in the store to ... (((Continue essay))) In the article, John Updike’s AP was the success in the story his coming of age because he will have a information. What else is the short story â€Å"AP† being experience with some of the journey make their minds. Maybe he would like to be seeking from the stories wants to know about discussions about explain. There in the values ofRead MoreIn John Updike’S Popular Short Story- â€Å"AP†, The Main Character,1590 Words   |  7 PagesIn John Updike’s popular short story- â€Å"AP†, the main character, Sammy may seem like he has a typical life like any other teenage boy would. Yet Updike proceeds to explain that â€Å"AP† is not just an ordinary story. In Updike’s short story, Sammy is eventually faced with the consequences of his actions and is forced to mature more than what he already anticipated being. Saldivar’s article states â€Å"He needs a sympathetic listener (or reader), someone who will grasp the meaning he i s constructing forRead MoreThe Stages of Maturation in James Joyce’s Araby John Updikes AP from the Authors Perspective902 Words   |  4 PagesWhen comparing the views of both James Joyce and John Updike on maturation from adolescence to adulthood it will be important to continually compare two of their similar works in Joyce’s â€Å"Araby† and Updike’s â€Å"AP†. James Joyce and John Updike follow similar views with the latter using Joyce as a foundation and following in similar footsteps; both authors follow a process of maturation based on the allure of love, while doing it at different stages of each of the protagonists’ lives resulting in similarRead MoreHow Cultural Expectations Affect Both Men And Women1264 Words   |  6 PagesThe life of being an average male human is extremely difficult. If you don’t make enough money or don’t know how to change a tire, everyone immediately looks down on you as a disappointment. Y ou are constantly fighting the uphill battle of being expected to care for women, but not care too much or appear unmasculine. Gender expectations have become increasingly rigid, pressuring men into feeling forced to fit into them. There is evidence of this in our literature as well. While most stories involveRead MoreReader-Response to John Updike’s â€Å"aP† Essay examples1030 Words   |  5 Pages Reader-Response to John Updike’s â€Å"Aamp;P† â€Å"Sammy, you don’t want to do this to your Mom and Dad,† he tells me. It’s true, I don’t. But it seems to me that once you begin a gesture it’s fatal not to go through with it (323). This statement made by Sammy after quitting his job, was made towards the end of John Updike’s story â€Å"Aamp;P†. Sammy had quit his job, a job that his parents helped him to get. Sammy opened up a whole new world; a world that I don’t think Sammy was ready for. He made a quickRead MoreEssay on AP: Point of View656 Words   |  3 Pagesenter one character’s mind, then he is a limited omniscient narrator (304). Point of view plays an important role in the effectiveness of a story. By analyzing John Updike’s â€Å"AP† one can observe how point of view is used to develop characters and theme. The development of characters is very closely tied to point of view. In the case of â€Å"AP,† Sammy is a major first person unreliable narrator. The story seems to be about an emerging counterculture revolution. Sammy appears to be in the middle ofRead MoreA P By John Updike1336 Words   |  6 PagesIn John Updike’s story â€Å"A P†, depicts a middle-class town. This short story focuses on the feelings of loneliness and isolation that lead the common man to seek some form of higher truth or ultimate meaning. The story relates to a teenaged boy s sudden awareness of the split between his inner feelings and society s values. I could kind of relate and get gist of what the narrator was feeling throughout the story. In this story, Sammy was an unreliable narrator, and the point of view was firstRead MoreJohn Updikes AP Essay767 Words   |  4 PagesIn John Updike’s short story, AP the writer takes you on a youths memory that involves the choices and cons equences that life can deal to anyone who has not had time to test a rash decision. The narrator is an immature nineteen-year-old cashier who is about to make a giant leap from adolescence to manhood. Sammy narrates with opinions of not only his life, but also the people in the town. Sammy opposes with the way these people live their lives, and is determined to set a different course for hisRead MoreThe Sheep Revolution in John Updike ´s AP826 Words   |  4 PagesAt first glance, â€Å"AP† written by John Updike, looks like a funny, slangy, youthful story about a young, nineteen year old boy, Sammy, who has the normal problems that come along with his age group; abhorrence for his job, talking despondently about the older generation, and dreaming about girls he sees in the store. However, when people look at the history of the 1960’s, they find it shows a change in American social values and morals. Furthermore, the revolution of multiple groups of minoritiesRead M oreLiterary Criticism for John Updike AP2060 Words   |  9 Pages Literary Criticisms on John Updike’s â€Å"AP† First and Last Name Class Section 11/21/13 http://www.notablebiographies.com/images/uewb_10_img0695.jpg Introduction: John Updike is considered to be one of the greatest modern American writers. He was able to use his All-American upbringing as inspiration for a lot of his writing, making it relatable to many people. Updike was born in Reading, Pennsylvania on March 18, 1932. He moved around in the area during his childhood, and the rural Pennsylvania

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Establish a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment Free Essays

Unit 1 Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Theory assessment level 4 Question 1 Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle. The role, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher are ever changing a teacher can inspire greatness in a learner. It is however, possible to teach without the learner actually learning anything, a teacher can have a great in-depth knowledge of their subject yet if they can not inspire or engage the learner their knowledge may not be passed on. We will write a custom essay sample on Establish a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment or any similar topic only for you Order Now I believe for myself, as an instructor it will be key in my job role to be a facilitator and establish an atmosphere in which the learners feel comfortable, where they are not threatened by external factors, this humanistic approach is mainly based around the theory of facilitative learning by Rogers (1983). Carl Rogers theory argues that people have a natural eagerness to learn and that through learning people change their perception of themselves. The theory recognises that the facilitator should focus on the relationship between teacher and learner not merely the teaching. Open discussion with students should be encouraged to prevent conflict, as it is recognised that resistance can be common in learning as the student in some cases is giving up what they previously thought to be true. The main aspect of this theory is that the most important part if learning is the change in the learners concept of self. Gravells (2008) describes teaching as a cycle, which can start at any point. The teacher’s roles, responsibilities and boundaries in terms of the teacher/training cycle are made up of 5 points Identify needs and planning, designing, facilitating/deliver, assessing, and evaluating. A teacher can start at any point of the cycle, it is however argued that for learning to be effective the cycle must be complete. The 5 stages are further discussed below. Identify needs As an instructor my role would be to refer to my company’s goals ensuring I am aware of what the learner is required to gain from being in my class. I will be teaching NVQ level 2 in electrical and mechanical maintenance so it is key that the needs of the learner are met to the required governing body EMTA standards. A criticism of this is there are boundaries set by EMTA which I can not deviate from; there is a strict learning practice and syllabus that must be adhered to. Within my role I will also be required to consider the learners learning styles, it is extremely important to be aware of each learners learning style to ensure they can learn effectively. Fleming (1987) describes 3 main learning styles, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. It is recognised that most people will have a preferred learning style, however most people learn through more than only one style. For all the syllabus is set it is my responsibility to ensure the lessons are engaging and suitable for the learners depending upon their learning styles. Some aspects of the syllabus are required to be taught in a specific way, however this does not prevent me from including additional teaching. Such an example of this will be having to practically demonstrate a wiring process, alongside this set out aspect of the session I could design handouts and hold group discussions about safety aspects. Including varied teaching methods will hopefully help to engage all learners regardless of their preferred learning styles. The teaching style can also be approached from different angles, I can change my teaching style be it pedagogical, andragogical or didactic depending upon the lesson content. The style I will commonly be required to use, most certainly at the beginning of the course, will be andragogical as there are health and safety issues and laws and legislations to adhere to. Another important factor I must consider when identifying the needs of my earners is their learning process. A commonly used theory of learning process is that of Kolb (1984) who describes 4 different stages of the learning process. Concrete experience, observation and reflection, abstract conceptualisation, and finally active experimentation, once again just like the teaching cycle, the learning cycle can start at any stage and is continuous. This theory particularly emphasises the importance of varie d teaching methods and teaching the same concept but through different means to ensure learners have a full understanding. Plan and design Planning and design of the lesson will require myself to study the set learning criteria set by EMTA and from that create lesson plans to and engage the group of learners and keep the group interested and wanting to learn more. Once again I must adhere to the laws and legislation whilst doing this as the lesson been carried out involves the learners actually doing the work themselves which is andragogical teaching method. Further more as the class is hands on I must make sure that the equipment needed for the course is available, and there is an internal verifier to sign off the work completed during the course. Deliver Once I have identified the needs of the learners and planned and designed my course I can now deliver my course the first thing I would do is to complete an ice breaker, maybe have a game of human bingo. This would allow myself to get to know the learners and allow the learners to get to know each other, making a more relaxed environment. Then from there I can go about setting ground rules, the group will be aged from 16 to 21 so I wouldn’t want to patronise them, I would negotiate the rules with the group, but some rules would be set in stone specifically laws and regulations for their own safety. To deliver the course my teaching style would be mainly andragogical as been an apprentice is a hand’s on role, this will allow the learner to carry out the task therefore learning the theory and learning how to carry out the task for them selves. In terms of learning styles I would try deliver all 3 styles visual, audio and kinaesthetic I would deliver the theory, view videos and show practical examples and give the learner the opportunity to carry out the task themselves. Assess Assessments are carried out over the course of the syllabus this would make sure the learner is actually learning and gaining the required knowledge from the course. These are non-negotiable assessment which would be carried out in their NVQ portfolios which involves practical and theory assessments. At the end of each class I would also aim to have a quick questions session, allowing myself to ask the learners questions relating to the lesson plan, thus ensuring all aspects which I intended to teach have been understood. This process would also allow me to identify any areas which are not understood, allowing me to recap or teaching differently in a future session. Evaluate In terms of evaluating teacher training cycle at the end of every course unit I would have one to one interview with my learners and discuss if objectives were meet not only to help the learner but also to help me with my teaching so I can always endeavour to improve. Another method to evaluate how the course went would be to ask the learners to complete a questionnaire allowing for more truthful responses as these could be filled in independently and without the learners name. Evaluation is a hugely important part of the process specifically for myself as this would allow me to identify any weakness and help me improve for the following modules. For all I will be asking for the course to be formally evaluated at the end of each module, I would make my learners feel confident that if there is any improvements they think I could make within the duration of the course they can approach me and make suggestions. Evaluation should be constant during the teaching process to ensure I am teaching to the best of my ability and the learners are learning to the best of theirs. How to cite Establish a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Affects of Baseball on American Culture free essay sample

Over the past 150 years baseball has impacted American culture in more ways then any one person could. Baseball has brought the country together as a whole; being the national past time of our great nation it brings a sense of connection amongst many peculiar people. Dating back to June 19, 1846 in Hoboken, New Jersey, the first official game recorded had unfolded, unaware that these men had just opened up the beginning of a new era in American history. Baseball has undoubtedly united the different cultures found in the united States. Deniable affecting our culture as whole for the better of the nation. There is an image that was created by baseball and those who took part in its festivities. Not even 20 years after the first official game they had accumulated a crowd of more then 20,000 spectators for the championship game between the Mutual Club of Manhattan and the Atlantic Club of Brooklyn. This demonstrates the instant impact that baseball had on the community, allowing thousands of unfamiliar people to come together and cheer for the team of their choosing. When entering a baseball stadium what mind of people do you see?Not just one kind, there are a vast amount of different cultures that come together on game day for one common interest, enjoying a game of baseball with their family. Jackie Robinson, the most iconic name in baseball since 1947, when he debuted for the Brooklyn Dodgers, was the first African-American athlete to compete in an all-white Major League. He remained steadfast in his active fighting of racial injustice on the field. Demonstrating to everyone that talent wasnt defined by race or cultural background but rather the player wearing he uniform.The revolution that Robinson had assisted Martin Luther King Jar. With; their lifelong battled to open Americans eyes to a new way of life, living together as one. Its easy to see how Jackie Robinson playing baseball affected how we live today. Not only did Jackie Robinson open baseball to African-Americans but player of all different races. Paving the way for a variety of culturally diverse players such as Dominicans, which are now some of the greatest players in the world. Baseball has given chances for people all across the globe to come toAmerica and share their culture with fans and teammates. Another good example of this is Hide Mutatis, when he transitioned into the Major Leagues where he brought the name Godzilla and an entire country of fans. Mutatis was known throughout Japan and allowed for everyone to join into the sensation Of Japanese culture that he brought with him from his homeland. Mutatis started the hype of managers wanting to bring in more and more Japanese baseball-players in to States. This caused an explosion of media and allowed for Americans and the Japanese to have a common interest, Ewing these iconic players. The rituals of baseball were regarded as a valuable source of social integration for adults. Fans were supposed to develop a strong sense of identification with their community (even though few, if any of the players came from their town). Participation in the rituals was said to provide a safety valve for their tensions. It was also thought to help acculturate immigrants. (Rises, Touching base 41). Rises explains precisely what Im presenting Baseball allows for fans to have a day to forget strife and hatred, and enjoy a day of entertainment.Sharing a favorite team is how most relationships are started today. Often find myself approaching someone and asking him or her their preferred baseball team, or maybe they re wearing apparel of my team. I say my because when you follow a team for years and attend games, or watch from home, you feel a sense of connection with that team and fans as well. Baseball teams give a community a special bond to their home team, regardless of who is in the community or on the team. As long as a person will cheer for my team, I dont care about their race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.Someone demonstrating a love for the game shouldnt be viewed differently and be thought of as an equal. This is why baseball has been able to partially eliminate the cultural segregation in America, creating one bigger picture that each person can have a certain role. You can observe in the stadiums the designated days to celebrate a specific culture. This allows everyone to partake in the festivities and learn about an unfamiliar ethnicity. During the All-Star break in July, the best young talents from around the world are invited into America to play against the future lent here in America.This allows for our young players to view the different lifestyles Of those around the globe. In addition to showing the worldwide talent how culturally adapted America has come by partaking in something as simple as playing and watching baseball. Therefore, many can agree that despite the controversy that had once surrounded baseball, regarding the Negro League and equal play, has now become a conduit for multi-cultural individuals to showcase their talent. As well as open the community to a new culture where everyone can coexist and enjoy a good game of baseball.Although it sounds click my belief is that people who have a love for baseball are more open to diverse groups of people. Different cultures and beliefs are currently shaping our nation and persistently having an impact on the culture we have established in America. The society we have created in America is idealized and envied all around the world, our belief of accepting those who are our fellow citizen. But despite all this, there has always been the one pastime that has followed, and that is baseball.

Friday, November 29, 2019

6 Reasons to Graduate Early From College

6 Reasons to Graduate Early From College Graduating college early is not for everyone. Most students need the full four years, or even five, to complete their education. But for those who have amassed enough credits and have fulfilled their general education and major requirements, there are some reasons for finishing a semester or even a year early. Here are some of the reasons: Saving Money One of the biggest reasons for graduating in less than four years is to save the cost of tuition and housing. The cost of college can put a grave strain on a family’s finances or rack up future debt for the student. By graduating early a student can ease this economic burden and save tens of thousands of dollars. Getting to the Job Market Sooner In addition to saving on tuition, a student who graduates college early can begin earning early. Instead of spending tuition dollars in what would have been their senior year, early graduates can begin earning an income. Interviewing Off Season   In the fall of senior year, there is a big rush to the job market for students graduating in May and June. Students who finish college early and are ready for the job market in January  may find themselves competing in a less crowded field. Applying to Graduate or Professional School Students finishing their bachelors degrees early who plan to apply to graduate or professional school will have more time to prepare for their entrance exams and complete their applications and any interviews that the process requires. Get a Break Many colleges graduate their students in May or June. Full-time jobs for these students sometimes begin only a few weeks later. By graduating early, students give themselves time for a break, perhaps some travel or time with their families or potentially a useful internship. Once  students enter the job market they may have very little vacation time in their new position and graduating early may give them the last block of free time they will have for perhaps many years. Shorten a Very Long Road For students planning to go on to professional or graduate school, particularly medical school, there are many years of schooling ahead. Graduating early offers a break and chance to do something else for a period of time in what is a very long academic journey. Other Things to Keep in Mind These are all good reasons for graduating college early yet while explaining how their students can graduate early, Duke University offers an alternative view, â€Å"Bear in mind that your college years come at a special time in your life and are a rare opportunity for you to engage so freely and intensely in your development, intellectual and otherwise. Think twice before cutting your Duke career short. As an alternative to graduating early, even if you are eligible to do so, you might think about enriching your experience by taking a semester to travel or study abroad.† Sue Shellenbarger, in an article  about exploring early college graduation for the Wall Street Journal, explains that she regrets her decision to graduate in less than four years and explains, â€Å"I went through undergrad school in three and a half years, and I wish now I had done more extracurricular activities and had a little more fun. Our working lives are decades long, and I constantly tell my own two college students that their university days offer an opportunity for reflection and exploration. The one thing early graduates dont need to worry about missing? The graduation ceremony with their class, Most colleges (and any student considering an early graduation should check with their school) are delighted to have early graduates partake in all of the year-end graduation festivities.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Stanford Prison Experiment Research Paper Example

Stanford Prison Experiment Research Paper Example Stanford Prison Experiment Paper Stanford Prison Experiment Paper The prison Experiment conducted at Stanford University in 1971 was intended to find out what would happen if average innocent people were placed in a prison environment on both sides (inmate and guard). The experiment began with a newspaper add asking for male college aged volunteers to participate in the experiment and outlined some of the things they might endure. The large number of volunteers was reduced through a series of psychological tests to find those who appeared the most stable. The researchers anticipated some psychological effects on the participants, but the results they discovered were far more intense than they had prepared for. These overwhelming effects on even the research professionals involved led to an early end to the experiment. Procedure The experiment began with an ad in the paper asking for college aged male volunteers, who would be paid fifteen dollars per day (Zimbardo, 1999). There were more than one hundred people who responded to the ad. The large number of respondents was narrowed down through a series of psychological experiments. The group was narrowed to twenty-four young men, who were determined to be mentally stable and average. The twenty-four were divided randomly into two groups by a coin toss. Half were to be prison guards and the other half was to be prison inmates. In order to set the stage for the prison to look realistic, three rooms in the basement of one of the Stanford buildings were sectioned off and the doors were replaced with doors containing bars and cell numbers. There were no windows or clocks provided to keep the prisoners from knowing the time of day (Zimbardo, 1999). Both ends of the hallway were boarded off to keep the prisoners from seeing ways to escape. The head psychologist was assigned as the prison superintendent. Other researchers participated in various capacities, but the direct supervision of the prisoners was left up to the experimental guards. A person who had spent time in prison was called in to be a consultant for treatment of the prisoners to determine how close the simulation was to a real prison setting. Methods The first day of the experiment, the people selected to be inmates were arrested from their homes by real policemen and placed in real police cars. They were taken to jail for processing and were then taken to the made-up prison. Once inside the prison the guards were given free reign within reason to treat them as prisoners. There were nine prisoners in the prison unit at all times with three on-call at their homes in case a replacement was needed. Each prisoner was strip searched and de-liced and was then given a gown with no undergarments and with an inmate number printed on it. The inmates were forced to wear hats made from panty hose to simulate shaved heads (Zimbardo, 1999). The purpose of this was to start them off with a feeling of humiliation to gain control over them. They were placed three per room and with the placement of the beds in the rooms were left little room for anything besides sitting or lying on the bed. There was a small closet designated as the solitary confinement room for the prisoners deemed as trouble makers. The restroom was down the hall, which was outside of the prison area. For this reason the prisoners were blindfolded, when they went to the restroom. Any incidents of non-compliance were met with punishments ranging from in the beginning push-ups to later much harsher punishments. At the beginning of the experiment, the guards were hesitant to be strict with them. The experiment continued with priests and lawyers coming in to interview the inmates. Results The researchers had anticipated that the prisoners and the guards would have some reactions based on their assigned roles, but the results of the actual experiment were amazing even to the people who had studied it. The people all started out to be considered relatively equal, but once they became involved in their roles personality differences became more apparent. The first day of the experiment, the inmates seemed to react in surprise to the initial treatment and complied with the directives given to them throughout the day. The second day, the prisoners began the day with a rebellion. They barricaded the guards out by placing their beds against the doors. This was met with the guards calling for reinforcements and strict punishments including using clubs to get them back under control. Following this the guards used other methods to create mistrust among the inmates to keep them from grouping together. Some of the non-compliant prisoners were placed in solitary confinement and others were forced to go without food for a period of time. The prisoners were called by their numbers instead of their names and after only a few days began addressing themselves by their numbers. This was a way of taking away their identities. After only a few days the guards and prisoners became entangled into their roles to the extent they called lawyers at the suggestion of a priest to help get them out and they went before a parole board to find out if they could get out of prison. When parole was denied some of them became seriously depressed. They had apparently forgotten they could request to leave the experiment at any time. The parents of the inmates also requested help to get their sons out of the experiment, as if they were really in prison. Some of the guards became sadistic and would use demeaning and in some cases pornographic punishments during the night when they thought the researchers were not watching. Two of the prisoners had such a strong reaction that they became distressed to the point of violent sobbing and needed medical attention. They were both released early. After the two were released, one of the on call prisoners was brought in. He did not have the opportunity to gradually become accustomed to the conditions and treatment. He went on a hunger strike shortly after becoming part of the experiment. After all attempts to get the new inmate to eat failed, he was placed in solitary for a longer period of time than anyone was supposed to be in it. The other inmates were given the choice of leaving him in solitary all night and for some special privileges, they chose to leave him in all night. The guards did eventually let him out and he was then quite distressed. The head researcher discovered he was too involved in his role as the prison superintendent, when he rearranged everything to hide the prisoners to keep them from escaping. He realized he had lost sight of the experiment and had actually become the role he was playing. When the researchers discovered how far out of control the experiment had become, they decided to end it after just six days out of the planned two week experiment. The men were all interviewed to get their views on how they were treated and what they thought had happened. Discussion Ethically the experiment would never be allowed in current society. Even prisoners are required to have some basic rights and dignified treatment. An experiment in which innocent people, even with informed consent are treated like prisoners would never be permitted. Human experimentation in any form in which there could be danger is rarely allowed. This experiment was beneficial in helping discover the effects that the prison setting could have on innocent people. It was interesting to see how the guards became involved in the roles to the point they could not separate themselves from it. They forgot that the people they were guarding were not real prisoners. The prisoners forgot their real names and became their prisoner numbers. They became depressed and to some degree almost mentally unstable. Since these people were determined to be stable before the experiment, it is easy to see how people in prison could become depressed and even suicidal if treated the way the people in the experiment were. It was enlightening to see how if people are treated poorly and stripped of their identity, they are not likely to become better people. Although this experiment could have been permanently detrimental to people’s mental health, it was beneficial to the world of psychology by providing a glimpse of what happened to people inside an institution. It showed how people were affected when their basic human rights were stripped from them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Interview about one's believe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interview about one's believe - Essay Example However, through some difficult circumstances. My mother got in a hospitan with a cancer, when I came home after another party dad told me the news. I was shocked and scared for mom’s life. So when I came to a hospital and saw her in such a bad condition, I was desperate and started praying. I remembered how to pray, we used to do it in our church, but thereat, in front of my sick mother, I didn’t feel like what I was saying to God was right. I was irritated, because it seemed to me that God didn’t respond to my prayer. And I promised to Him that I will cut ties with that bad company, if He helps my mother. I understand that it is not really religious to bargain with The Lord, but it actually worked. My mom’s surgery was successful, and since then I realized that God is not equal to religion. I don’t know What God is, or probably, there is no possible way for me to get to know Him fully. All I can is to read Bible, because He told people to do so, and try to understand how should I live to please Him. People should understand that our Lord is not something, which forces us to live rightly, no, He gives us freedom to choose, He talks to us, another thing that we usually don’t hear Him. My religion for me it’s a way to surround myself with people who share my views, in addition, I think God hears us better when we get together and pray to Him. Of course, I just think that They are the one, but a kind of play different roles in this world, I can’t explain it, but I know for sure that Jesus saved me, The Lord is my father and best friend, and Holy Spirit is always with me. I believe that I can tell Them anything and They will always understand me, forgive me and show me how to behave in accordance with Their will. It’s not like They force me to live like They want, I want it, because my life is always better when I feel their constant

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contract law - Essay Example Lastly, an advice will be given to the aggrieved parties, in this case Backstreet Boyos and Basil’s Bistro, based on the available legal redress mechanisms. Analysis of whether Lord Melbray v the Backstreet Boyos and Basil’s Bistro was a legally binding agreement The separate agreements, between Lord Melbray and the Backstreet Boyos for entertainment appearance on one hand, and that with the Basil’s Bistro for provision of lunches on the other hand, can be classified as legal contracts. This is because; a contract refers to an agreement that is entered by two individuals or parties voluntarily, with an objective to create a legal obligation for the performance of the agreement1. Lord Melbray approached the Backstreet Boyos and Basil’s Bistro for provision of their respective services during the wedding of his daughter, and the two parties willingly and voluntarily agreed to provide their services. Therefore, the first fundamental requirement for a legally binding agreement was met, since mutual consent acted as the basis of all the parties entering into the contract in question. A case in point is the case Balfour v Balfour 2 KB 571[1919]1, the husband, Mr. Balfour promised to be sending his wife $30 every month after the started living apart, but later rescinded the decision and asked that they separate. The wife sued for the continuous payment of the promised monthly payment, but the court held that since it was a voluntary move by the husband, in a domestic issue, the continued payment was unenforceable, since there was not any intention to make a legally binding agreement1. This step is followed by the evaluation of whether the necessary elements of a legally binding contract were present in the agreement made. For a contract to be considered legally binding; there requires being two basic elements, namely offer, acceptance, and consideration2. The provisions of the law of contract requires that the parties involved must agree on the contractual terms, through a meeting of the minds, without any party giving a diversionary view regarding the contractual terms, which would amount to a counter offer2. A case in example is the Smith v Hughes LR 6 QB 597 [1871], where the ruling held that should the conduct of an individual be that he is acting in a way that a reasonable will would believe that he was assenting to the terms proposed by the other party, then, the man would be bound as though he had intended to fulfill the agreement2. In the case Lord Melbray v the Backstreet Boyos and Basil’s Bistro, the parties involved agreed on the terms of the service, where Lord Melbray was to pay both the Backstreet Boyos and Basil’s Bistro for provision of their respective services, while the parties agreed to these terms, without varying the terms of the agreement. In this case, Lord Melbray made an offer, while the Backstreet Boyos and Basil’s Bistro accepted the offer as given. Consideration is yet another necessary element for an agreement to qualify as a legally binding agreement3. A consideration refers to something of value that the party making a promise, the promissor, should give to the promisee, in

Monday, November 18, 2019

M3A1 PART B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M3A1 PART B - Essay Example Improve the communication patterns of the company: Communication is one of the fundamental requirements for any company to succeed. Unlike in GM, where the communication channels involved long rigorous procedures that discouraged the employees (Kurtz & Boone, 2011). The communication channels between the employees and the senior management should be open and reliable to enable the employees have a feel that the company acknowledges their views and ideas. Therefore, their productivity would improve as they forward their challenges to the management (Huq, 2010). Enhance teamwork within the company: Teamwork enables the employees have a better understanding of each other and promotes cordial relations within the working environment (Kurtz & Boone, 2011). By so doing, the workers feel comfortable while at work and this enhances their overall productivity due to the existence of good understanding and sharing of ideas. Sharing ideas is important since the workers can come up with an idea that could prove to be the turn-around moment for the company like a new invention (Moorhead & Griffin, 2011). Creating a sense of responsibility among the employees: The management ought to let the employee’s opportunities to demonstrate their levels of responsibility by making them in charge. This may involve letting them have total control over an asset and monitoring its usage from a vantage point (Lashley, 2012). This makes them have the idea that they are trusted in the company hence they form a sense of responsibility and consequently carry out their works diligently. Moreover, they can sum up courage and make viable decisions in the absence of the company managers (Huq, 2010). Involving the employees in the decision making process of the company: When employees get involved in the decision making processes of a company, they are instilled with a sense of belonging and they get a mental set of associating

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Social networking phenomenon in e-business

Social networking phenomenon in e-business Abstract Nowadays the social networking with its gradual growth has affected the image that we have about the web dramatically. In the following paper some issues about social networking are discussed. In particular, a critical exploration of the social networking phenomenon is presented and an evaluation of the impact on e-commerce and e-business is discussed. Furthermore some possible applications that concern opportunities, benefits and risks are given. A synthesis of the above provides a summary of conclusions that can be drawn and recommendations that can be made as well. Introduction Everyday practice shows that Social Networks popularity is increased day by day. If facebook were country it would be the worlds 4th largest after China, India and USA having over 250.000 users. Many companies have realized this phenomenon and have already started to reform their marketing policy in order to benefit from the Social Networking growth. Many professionals from music artists to business enterprises advertise themselves in social networking web sites via uploading some of their new songs, images or videos. It is obvious that Social networking has a direct impact in e-business. In order to provide an evaluation of the social networking impact on e-business, we are starting our attempt from word-of-mouth marketplaces or overstock auctions or reputation systems. Reputation Systems like Amazon or e-bay is an online marketplace that augments traditional auctions with a social networking component (Christo Wilson 2008). Furthermore some social networks applications have several critical factors that we should consider (benefits, risks, opportunities). Our research demonstrates that the gradual growth of social networking has several benefits and several risks. In particular recent surveys have shown high levels of fraud in online markets (Bhattacharjee, Goe 2005). Some of the most important malicious aspect of social networking is ballot stuffing, bad mouthing and data theft which will be described in detail in the third sector of this paper. On the other side as it was previously mentioned social networking has several benefits. Customers have lost trust in traditional sales, marketing and service or Customer Relationship Management and this plays a pivotal role in increasing of positive impact of social networking in e-business. Many people have changed their buying culture and have orientated in online reputation systems such as e-bay and Amazon that have direct relation with social networking aspects. In a few words this paper provides an overview of the social networking phenomenon evaluates its direct impact in e-business and e-commerce and presents some opportunities benefits and risks that are included. Social networking as phenomenon Social Networking is a phenomenon that has affected the whole Web and many aspects of our lives dramatically. Social networking web sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Friendster etc. provide the ability to their member/users to create their personal profiles where they can share some information, brief CVs or personal photos. Thus they have the ability to search for their old acquaintances or familiars. Furthermore they can upload or trade with other users photos, comments or videos. In fig.1 a profile sample is provided. Human beings used to create groups that consisted of people with whom they shared common interests. It was therefore expected that these networks will quickly transported to the online world. Social networks are created for many reasons and for different publics. Despite their differences the social networks are concerned with the following concepts: Profiles Each member creates and maintains an online profile that contains information regarding individual interests, skills or any part of his personal status. For example some people provide their CV in order to find a (new/better) job Connections -Social networks enable their members to keep connections with each other chat trade images, comments and in general keep in touch via the Web (Boyd, Ellison 2007). Even though the gradual growth of social networking is something recent it is not something new as a concept. Forums, chat rooms, blogs and creations of personal web sites (even though are not something new) are also functions regarding by social networking aspects. Several sites that contained the social networking element appeared in the start of new millennium. The gradual social networking expansion is a part of a wider online phenomenon named Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is a dynamic wide web platform in which several users are enabled to interact with each other without having specialized knowledge in computer systems or network issues. Evaluation of Social Networking impact on e-commerce and e-business The social networking phenomenon has undoubtedly a direct impact on e-business. Several benefits and risks could affect (negatively or positively) e-business. Some benefits could derive from contacts between professionals, ranging from finding the right expertise to identifying cross-organization sales opportunities. Whats more many professionals are eager to create an internal reputation, and to explore career prospects. Personal contacts between the workers could help job satisfaction and the maintenance and development of the local community could help in rapidly professionals resolution. Sharing of information and communication, a priority and challenge for many companies, could improve (Blackwell 2009). One more Social Networking aspect that should be considered in order to provide a deeper evaluation of the Social Networking impact in e-business is the one introduced Overstock in Auctions. Overstock Auctions is an e-commerce website that combines traditional auctions with a social networking component. However, samplings of user feedback shows that transactions between partners connected on the social network result in significantly higher user satisfaction. Official research also shows that Overstocks business ratings have big degree of accuracy, in that they have a strong correlation with user satisfaction after their transaction. According with official research it has investigated that a big percentage users of Overstock Auctions have friends common to both their business as well as personal networks. That means that we have the trust element that plays a pivotal role in marketing. Unfortunately, traditional marketing users are often unable to locate their desired merchandise in their social network. Edelman Trust Barometer mentioned that the most reliable information source about an enterprise is a person like me'. The survey relates that in the U.S., trust in a p erson like me increased from 20% in 2003 to 68% today. Thats why they prefer to buy any suggested product from a friend over a perfect stranger. Academic researchers have observed that 6% of users have 100% of their personal contacts involved in the business networks, which demonstrate that users have either only dealing with their social acquaintances, business partners or guests to participate in the personal network their friends (Wilson, Boe 2008). The next topic that we will discuss concern Word-of-mouth marketing. The companies that have only traditional marketing methods and not Social Network element are in crisis with low productivity and benefits as a result of TV and Radio advertisement saturation. On the other side companies like Amazon, Google and Hotmail succeed with virtually no marketing based solely on word of mouth. Word-of- mouth is the best predictor of business growth because it contains the trust element that plays pivotal role in e-business (Pedro Domingos 2005). Possible applications, opportunities, benefits and risks The following section provides some possible applications focusing on opportunities benefits and risks. Opportunities There are several opportunities of using social network applications such as sharing information and media with peers, finding an audience for creative works, helping young people keep in contact with peers or allowing young people to develop new contacts and friendships with each other. In businesses the importance of internal social software use is increased daily. Given that the next generation of employees will use the social software as the main medium of communication, the companies must bridge generation gaps and boundaries via the supporting of this communication method with its use in workplaces. Despite the difficulties the benefits are still huge. At first a high user percentage is directors or company representatives indicating that Social Networking Software has a wide range of potential customers or active users. Secondly by bringing this social software tool in the company, the relevant elements regarding the contacts, interests and activities of the workers are available and archive-able from the company by providing new resources and new abilities for human resources comprehension. In case these tools are not provided by the company the employees have the right to seek social software tools such as facebook etc. Benefits There are undoubtedly several possible business benefits of the gradual growth of social networking applications. At first within social network sites the employees are able to keep in touch with their colleagues. Unfortunately the percentage of distant colleagues and in general distant working relationships is increasing day by day. So it is obvious that we draw attention to the necessity of awareness increasing and contact between distant partners via the social network tools. Within several companies keeping touch and maintaining relationship in an organization is a critical factor for an successful career. Thus the social network tools help the companies to maintain or improve their productivity independently from their employees distance. Another beneficial social network application is the user support regarding the exploring and learning about the new employees and the team members. This endeavor makes the searching of colleagues with special skills or discovering of past experiences in activities that could be useful for new projects easier. Organization-based social networks could also help the professionals to approach work (or non work) issues of common interest something that improves the communication between people who interact for the first time (Joan Morris DiMicco 2007). Risks Social networking has several risks except from benefits such as bullying, abuse and exploitation of young people, too much time (distraction) spend on the computer / internet addiction, ballot stuffing or bad mouthing Ballot Stuffing A seller manages to make fake transactions via the positive ratings after collusion with other buyers. So Ballot Stuffing has as a result the inflating a sellers reputation.( Bhattacharjee, Goel, 2005) Bad Mouthing On the other hand a group of buyers may be conspiring (it could be after a collusion with a rival vendor) to deliberately give negative feedback to a particular vendor and hence less reputation. This is known as bad mouthing. ( Bhattacharjee, Goel, 2005) Malicious goals Some people tend to create fake profiles to bully, lie cheat and steal. Even though there are several benefits in communication via social network applications such as keeping touch and relationship management there is also always the potential to receive negative, insulting or unsuitable comments. In several interviews several social networking users mentioned that the rude culture of some users was a common disadvantage. There was only a small percentage that disagreed with the term disadvantage. Unlike in the real world according to the new users opinion the social network sites have not social limitations or boundaries. This means that users could behave in whatever way they want without limitations via posting rude or abusive messages. However in worst cases the rude culture of some users transact into malicious culture indicating that many users use fake profiles in order to insidiously steal data or money. I.e. A user might give his credit card password in order to buy something from an advantageous market. Thus a malicious user having the credit card password is enabled to steal money. (Davies, Cranston 2008). Distraction In an organization a social networking software installation should undoubtedly offer several benefits and tremendous power to factors regarding the productivity and profits. However Surveys have found that social networking may be a distraction to workers. In particular it was found that 8% of the work time (30 minutes in 8-hour work-time) concern with social non-working activities. I.e. even though sending of personal photos among employees could provide some indirect benefit to a company, it could also be a distracter for the employees with bad impacts to productivity and profits. Synthesis As it was mentioned Social Networking as concept is not something new. It is exist from the internet creation since 20 years. In fact Social networking is part of a wider Internet phenomenon named Web 2.0 indicating the recent Social Network event is its gradual growth due to Web 2.0 creation. Although companies are aware of the marketing and PR opportunities, using social networking software in a given company or organization is still in relatively early stage .Our main concern in this research paper is the emphasis on the need for transaction costs for a word-of-mouth system to work well and in order to avoid phenomenon such as ballot stuffing or bad mouthing . Not only is the transaction costs important for an word of mouth system to function well, the reputation of earned premiums to the seller should be associated with the transaction costs It should also be reported that not only enterprises but all of us have to protect ourselves from malicious users via permanent information. Conclusion Our study provided an overview regarding the Social Networking Phenomenon. It has also provided an evaluation of the impact of social Networking on e-business. In the stage of our evaluation we discuss about overstock Auctions. Overstock Auctions is a kind of an e-commerce website that makes a strong combination between traditional auctions and the social networking component. We have also discussed about reputation systems. The research has shown that Social Networking has both benefits and risks. Some of the risks that could be lurking are the excessive use of social network applications in workplaces, i.e the use of facebook in workplace from an employee for non business reasons. Other risks that are involved are ballot staffing and bad mouthing in reputation systems. Ballot stuffing is the creation of fake fame after collusion between the reputation System company and fake buyers. Unlike bad mouthing is the defamation of the reputation system company via fake unhappy customers .S ome benefits that could be shown are the improvement of customer support in a company. A complicated problem for a company could be solved by finding an expert or locate implicit knowledge via a social network application. In particular a questioner could contact via a Social Network Site with an expert who has solved a similar problem in the past and find a solution to their problem. This paper also provides the trust component that plays pivotal role in e-commerce. Customers have lost their trust to the traditional marketing methods. The social networks enables the customer to interact with a person like him in order to get the appropriate information for any product. Thus even though the majority of users perform few transactions with their virtual friends on social network, many sampling feedbacks showed that transactions between companies representatives and customers have increased the user satisfaction degree. Also a conclusion has been drawn that Overstocks business ratings are accurate, in that they have a strong correlation with user satisfaction after their transaction. Thus a valid conclusion would be that there exists a necessity of transaction costs for a well functioning reputation system References Bhattacharjee, R. Goel, A., 2005. Avoiding ballot stuffing in ebay-like reputation systems. In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Economics of peer-to-peer systems. p. 137. Blackwell, J. et al., 2009. Design and adoption of social collaboration software within businesses. In Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. pp. 2759-2762. Boyd, d. m., Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, DiMicco, J. et al., 2008. Motivations for social networking at work. In Proceedings of the ACM 2008 conference on Computer supported cooperative work. pp. 711-720. DiMicco, J.M. Millen, D.R., 2007. Identity management: Multiple presentations of self in Facebook. In Proceedings of the 2007 international ACM conference on Supporting group work. pp. 383-386. Domingos, P., 2005. Mining social networks for viral marketing. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20(1), 80-82. Goad, R and Mooney, T, The impact of Social Networking in the UK (Hitwise Experian, 2007), Swamynathan, G. et al., 2008. Do social networks improve e-commerce?: a study on social marketplaces. In Proceedings of the first workshop on Online social networks. pp. 1-6. Withers, K, Young People and Social Networking Sites: Briefing to guide policy responses Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR, 2007).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Kasimir Malevich :: Russian Painter Designer Artists Essays

Kasimir Malevich Kasimir Malevich, a Russian painter and designer, was born near Kiev on February 26, 1878 (Guggeheimcollection.org) and was â€Å"one of six children from Russified Poles† (Articons.co.uk). While living in Ukraine, he became absorbed into art during his teens, â€Å"largely teaching himself† the basics (Articons.co.uk). After saving his money â€Å"from his job as a railroad clerk† (Articons.co.uk), Malevich enrolled in the Moscow Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture in 1903 and began to study art more seriously. Later he trained at Kiev School of Art and Moscow Academy of Fine Arts and â€Å"produced portraits, landscapes, and genre scenes† in his early stages of his career (Artstudio.com). By 1907 Malevich â€Å"took part in the Moscow Artists' Society's twice yearly exhibition along with such artists as David Burliuk, Aleksander Shevchenko and Natalia Goncharova† (Articons.co.uk). â€Å"He began working in an unexceptional Post-Impressionist manner, but by 1912 he was painting peasant subjects in a massive `tubular' style similar to that of Leger as well as pictures combining the fragmentation of form of Cubism with the multiplication of the image of Futurism† (ibiblio.org). In these initial years of study, art was not the only interest in Malevich’s repertoire. â€Å"In 1913, with composer Mikhail Matiushin and writer Alexei Kruchenykh, Malevich drafted a manifesto for the First Futurist Congress† (Guggenheimcollection.org) and began taking a â€Å"more philosophical and theoretical approach to art† (Articons.com). Also in that year, the artist â€Å"designed the sets and costumes for the opera Victory over the Sun† for these friends which was showed at the Salon des Independants in Paris in 1914. Kruchenykh and others introduced Malevich to the â€Å" the notion of ‘zaum’† in 1913, which was a â€Å"state where experience occurs beyond the naturally perceived world† (Articons.com). â€Å"This concept and his work for the Cubo-Futurist opera Victory Over The Sun (1913) propelled Malevich into the style of Suprematism† (Articons.com). It was at this time he began â€Å"creating geometric patterns in style he called Suprematism† (ibiblio.org). Although Malevich claimed to have created a picture â€Å"consisting of nothing more than a black square on a white field,† (ibiblio.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Supported by the lines

The first thing that can take immediately one’s attention about the poem is its rhythm. The lines contained therein would be appealing for children to read, but they would have difficulty in interpreting its meaning. I, for one, distinguished the meaning of the poem as something like a tiger stalking through the forest in the dead of the night. Yet, I also imagined that the poem talks about a constellation of stars resembling the shape of a tiger in â€Å"the distant deeps or skies.†The first paragraph is clear that the tiger is walking along through the forest, perhaps hunting for its prey. This is supported by the lines â€Å"In the forest of the night, what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry. † The would-be-prey in this poem could be a human being. The man fearing the tiger because of the lines â€Å"and when thy heart began to beat, what dread hand? And what dread feet? in what furnace as thy brain? what the anvil?What dread grasps dare it s deadly terror clasp? † The poem was always in an â€Å"inquiring mode. † Meaning, it asks so many questions; literally, the poem is littered with question marks. The reader would find it sometimes difficult to read the poem with ease and fluidity, because what he unconsciously does is to pause after a line, then tries to answer the question for each line. Nevertheless, the poem did manage to create a sense of beauty surrounding the mystery of the tiger hunting in the night.After reading the poem, I arrived at the conclusion that the poem will appeal to children because of its rhythm and the subject of the poem, yet it would appeal also to inquiring adults because of the intricacies posed by the questions in the poem. Three questions for other students; 1) What does the word â€Å"Lamb† in the poem stand for? 2) â€Å"On what wings dare he aspire? † what does this line mean? 3) Why did William Blake describe â€Å"Tyger† as burning bright?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Brief Psychotic Disorder essays

Brief Psychotic Disorder essays Another type of psychotic disorder is a brief psychotic disorder. This type of psychotic disorder lasts for at least one day, but not longer than one month. It has a very rapid onset. The strange part of this disease is that there is little or no forewarning that the disorder is coming. Though eventually it will seem as if the disease never existed. The person will return to their prior state of functioning. There are several different symptoms used to diagnose brief psychotic disorder. One or more of these symptoms must be present. The first of these symptoms is delusion. The second symptom is hallucinations. The third is disorganized speech. The patient may slur their words or sound incoherent when talking. The fourth and final symptom is disorganized behavior. This disturbance is very similar to and easily confused with other disorders. Some of the other disorders, which doctors must differentiate between are psychotic disorder due to a medical condition or substance induced psychotic disorder. Mood episodes, schizophreniform disorder, and personality disorder also carry many of the same symptoms. The causes for this brief, yet scary disorder are widely unknown to the medical world. The patients who develop this disorder may actually be biologically or psychologically vulnerable to developing these psychotic symptoms. Stress factors like family conflicts, divorces, accidents, and loss of loved ones can also cause the onset of symptoms. There are also some studies, which point to a genetic predisposition to developing brief psychotic disorder. There are several different types of treatment. Some of the typical antipsychotics, which are used in treating this disorder, are chlorpromazine, thiothixene, and haloperidol. There are also atypical antipsychotics, which include, risperidone and olanzapine. There are some adverse reactions to these drugs. One such reaction is neuroleptic malignant syndrome. This can happen at any ti...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Relative Deprivation and Deprivation Theory

Relative Deprivation and Deprivation Theory Relative deprivation is formally defined as an actual or perceived lack of resources required to maintain the quality of life- diet, activities, and material possessions- to which various socioeconomic groups or individuals within those groups have grown accustomed, or are considered to be the accepted norm within the group. Key Takeaways Relative deprivation is the lack of resources (money, rights, or social equality) necessary to maintain the quality of life considered typical within a given socioeconomic group. Relative deprivation often contributes to the rise of social change movements, such as the U.S. Civil Rights Movement.Absolute deprivation or absolute poverty is a potentially life-threatening situation that occurs when income falls below a level adequate to maintain food and shelter. In simpler terms, relative deprivation is a feeling that you are generally â€Å"worse off† than the people you associate with and compare yourself to. For example, when you can only afford a compact economy car, but your coworker, while getting the same salary as you, drives a fancy luxury sedan, you may feel relatively deprived. Relative Deprivation Theory: Definition, Examples, and History As defined by social theorists and political scientists,  Relative Deprivation Theory suggests that people who feel they are being deprived of almost anything considered essential in their society- whether money, rights, political voice or status- will organize or join social movements dedicated to obtaining the things of which they feel deprived. For example, relative deprivation has been cited as one of the causes of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, the struggle of Blacks to gain social and legal equality with whites. Similarly, many gay people join the same-sex marriage movement in order to acquire the same legal recognition of their marriages enjoyed by straight people. In some cases, relative deprivation has been cited as a factor driving incidents of social disorder like rioting, looting, terrorism, and civil wars. In this nature, social movements and their associated disorderly acts can often be attributed to the grievances of people who feel they are being denied resources to which they are entitled. Development of the concept of relative deprivation is often attributed to American sociologist Robert K. Merton, whose study of American soldiers during World War II revealed that soldiers in the Military Police were far less satisfied with their opportunities for promotion than regular GIs. In proposing one the first formal definitions of the relative deprivation, British statesman and sociologist Walter Runciman listed the effect’s four required conditions: A person does not have something.That person knows other people who have the thing.That person wants to have the thing.That person believes he or she has a reasonable chance of getting the thing.   Runciman also drew a distinction between â€Å"egoistic† and â€Å"fraternalistic† relative deprivation. According to Runciman, egoistic relative deprivation is driven by an individual’s feelings of being treated unfairly compared to others in the group. For example, an employee who feels he or she should have gotten a promotion that went to another employee may feel relatively deprived. Fraternalistic relative deprivation is more often associated with massive group social movements like the Civil Rights Movement. Relative vs. Absolute Deprivation Relative and absolute deprivation are measures of poverty in a given country. Absolute deprivation describes a condition at which household income falls below a level needed to maintain the basic necessities of life like food and shelter. Relative deprivation describes a level of poverty at which household income drops to a certain percentage below the country’s median income. For example, a country’s level of relative poverty could be set at 50 percent of its median income. While absolute poverty can threaten one’s very survival, relative poverty is more likely to limit one’s ability to participate fully in their society. In 2015, the World Bank Group set the worldwide absolute poverty level at $1.90 a day per person based on purchasing power parities (PPP) rates. Critiques Critics of relative deprivation theory have argued that it fails to explain why some people who, though deprived of rights or resources, fail to take part in social movements meant to attain those things. During the Civil Rights Movement, for example, Black people who refused to participate in the movement were derisively referred to as â€Å"Uncle Toms† by other Blacks in reference to the excessively obedient slave depicted in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin.† However, proponents of relative deprivation theory argue that many of these people simply want to avoid the conflicts and life difficulties they might encounter by joining the movement with no guarantee of a better life as a result.   Relative deprivation theory does not account for people who take part in movements that do not seem to materially benefit them, such as the animal rights movement. In many of these cases, for example, straight people who march alongside lesbian and gay rights activists, or wealthy people who demonstrate against policies that perpetuate poverty or income inequality, are believed to do so more out of a sense of empathy or sympathy than feelings of relative deprivation. Sources Curran, Jeanne and Takata, Susan R. Robert K. Merton. California State University, Dominguez Hills. (February 2003).Duclos, Jean-Yves. Absolute and Relative Deprivation and the Measurement of Poverty. University Laval, Canada (2001).Runciman, Walter Garrison. Relative deprivation and social justice: a study of attitudes to social inequality in twentieth-century England. Routledge Kegan Paul (1966). ISBN-10: 9780710039231.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Internationl Business Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Internationl Business Practice - Essay Example The main person responsible for coining the term globalization is considered to be Theodore Levitt. With the passage of time, the phenomenon has grown at a steady rate whereby the setting under which it is held is one that focuses on the global patterns related with the sociological findings. The aspect of whether or not globalization is a newer form of western imperialism is manifested in the definition of the same word. Globalization, for that matter, is remarked as Internationalization since the nature of the two terms is on a worldwide scale more than anything else. West tries to exploit the basis of globalization which the third world countries could bring to the benefit of the developed nations. However, on the part of the two terms, the one thing common however is the fact that these have identified themselves well with the changing (and growing) trends, where most of these are credited on the shoulders of the World War II, after which there has been a resurgent rat race nonetheless. Globalization is a phenomenon and it is one that is here to stay for long. The world has become a global village due to globalization and it is a good omen if seen in the proper perspectives. In an economic zone, globalization plays a significant role at increasing trade on an interna tional front which as compared to the global economy, is much faster and ahead of its time. Globalization improves the technological infrastructures and supports in the development of the telecommunications not only on a regional scale but throughout the world, thus providing help and facilitation to the west more than anything else. With the help of globalization, the legal stance is one that focuses more on the increase in the number of different standards worldwide, which in all essence must be made use of. These include copyright laws, privacy obligations, patenting and others which somehow or the other mesh along well with the legal framework of different multinationals and institutions

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discussion Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Discussion Topic - Essay Example Her idea was to produce a sponge pillow used to clean the children. The probability that the products will have high demands is not certain and therefore financial implications are put at stake. The money that will be involved in international business might also attract financial risks in the company. (Blackman, 2014) The company should have a risk retention insurance programe.This is because the company will be dealing with products that catches fire easily. The international business is also full of risks and therefore the organization should always retain a reserve fund to offset some financial claims that may arise. This self insurance is important for the business growth. (Paul, 2012) Pansy Ellen products Inc should have various kinds of insurance coverage since it is involved in a risky business. It should have a general liability insurance to provide a cover for the damages, employees and the products. This is important because all this are susceptible to the risks. The company should also have property insurance to cover for the bulding, office equipment and inventory against fire vandalism, fire and theft. (Mark, 2013) Mark. (2013). 13 Types of Insurance a Small Business Owner Should Have - Forbes. Retrieved 2015, from